Introduction Part 1

My name is Robert Green, I am currently a Senior Electronic Design Engineer. I recently opened this company to do some consulting and repairs.

II started my career in the Marine Corps in 1976 at the age of 17, just turned 17. After discharge in 1980 after 4 years I decided to get into electronics. I took a few electronic repair classes at the local college in LA where I was residing. I then started my repair portion of my career. I worked for companies in the LA area and decided to return to northern California. I opened an Electronic Repair Shop in Sonora in 1984.

In 1994 I decided to earn my degree. I I attended the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA. I graduated in 1998 and my second career started. Electronic Engineer.

I also obtained a General Class HAM License: KM6HYH

Introduction Part 2

Dec 2022 – April 2024 Hydropoint, California

Senior Electronic Engineer

Designed, layed out, developed firmware for a 6 Valve watering system board.

Designed, layed out, developed firmware for a Master Valve and Flow monitoring board.

Currently working on a Solar Charge Module

Designed the charging circuits, battery holding hardware

Battery voltage and current monitoring circuits.

Currently writing firmware for control CPU

For all projects listed above, used Altium Designer, MPLABX IDE.

Using C# for last year to help with our Test Utility program and helping with WeatherTRAK server code.

July 2021 – Oct 2022 Arcimoto, Eugene, OR

Senior Electronic Engineer

Was a member of the Engineering Team designing the next generation EV battery

Designed the battery balance circuits.

Layed out all BMS boards, using Altium

Involved in all aspects of the design and release to production activities

December, 2020 – February, 2021 uAvionix, Montana

Production Engineer

Identify root cause failures in uAvionix’s GPS products.

March, 2018 – December, 2020 Tavis Corporation

Staff Electronic Engineer

Responsible for the electronic needs of Tavis Corp. We make space rated Pressure Transducers. Our customer include NASA, Northrup Gruman, ULA(United Launch Alliance), Lockeed Martin and a few others.

Designed a new era semi-ridged flex pc board. Using Altium. 8 Layer board using space qualified parts. Currently in the design cycle.

Designed a Labview test platform for the test department. They have been using manual testing and this will reduce test time.

For the above projects I am using Altium 20, and Labview 16. I write all my firmware in “C”.

July, 2012 – February, 2018 PHS/MWA Aviation Services

Electronic Engineer

Responsible for all the electronic needs of PHS/MWA. Only Electronic Engineer on staff.

Designed and build several test stands to repair actuators, servovalves, chillers and other smaller test fixtures for unique equipment. Used Labview to develop test programs for the computer based test stands.

Designed a constant current drive unit. For this project, I used a constant current DAC, a PIC microcontroller, AtoD for current feedback data and a frequency generator IC with digital gain variable resistor.

Designed a servo controller board with an LVDT conditioning circuit.

Designed a regulator for a 200V, 400Hz generator.

Setup a electronic lab to repair pc boards for various units. Hired and trained several technicians.

For the above projects I used the following tools:

Altium for board layout and generation of CAD files for 3D modeling.

MPLAB and C compiler to implement C code in the above embedded processor projects.

Labview professional version with PID toolkit.

October, 2011 - July, 2012 SUREFIRE, LLC

Design Engineer

Design high power LED flashlights using embedded processors for control.

· Developed a flashlight for the Swiss Army. Designed the power electronics, designed the PC boards and programmed the PIC microcontroller.

· Developed a high power, 600 lumens flashlight. Used hall effect sensors to change power levels.

· Inherited a green laser pointer. Debugged and relayed out the pc board.

· Currently working on an led site assembly for hand guns.

For the above projects I used the following tools:

Altium for board layout and generation of CAD files for 3D modeling.

SolidWorks to verify PC board fit and function.

MPLAB and C compiler to implement C code in the above embedded processor projects.

November, 2009 – October, 2011 NEXUS BIOSYSTEMS

Design Engineer

Design new technology monitor systems for -80°C refrigeration biostores.

· Designed a complex temperature, pressure, current sensor system to monitor refrigeration systems. Used a PIC microcontroller as the main processor. Communicated with central computer using TCP Ethernet protocol.

Designed a PLC based monitor system. Using latter logic and off the shelf components to design a -20°C alarm monitor system.

Designed an oxygen safety system for our systems that use nitrogen to dry the refrigeration systems. For this system I used off the shelf “DIN” mount safety relays, safety comparators, “LED” lights and audible alarms.

For all the systems above that needed interface and main pc boards, I used Altium and Orcad to create schematics and board layouts.

For all the systems above, I used the Microchip C compiler and wrote all routines in C.

Currently designing a servo control module. Currently designing a module using Megellen IC’s from PMC. Also investigating a DSP solution, which would require more development time(code development).

Designed a refrigeration control circuit using a microprocessor and triac’s to implement an AC variable speed drive for fans, on/off control of compressor.

January, 2008 – November, 2009 DIGITAL FORCE TECHNOLOGIES

Design Engineer

Design engineer brought in to design 2 systems for the Military Special Forces.

Designed a satellite phone system using a GSM, Iridium, Globalstar and Thuraya satellite modems.

Designed a quad uart serial server using a TI quad uart and PIC microcontroller for control flow control.

Designed a PoE system to power modems and serial server over an Ethernet wire.

Designed a wireless IP camera system. This system uses Videology and Airborne modules to digitize analog video into Ethernet packets.

Performed all schematic and layout of pc boards using Altium.

Wrote all microcontroller routines using C.

Designed a GPS tracking device.

November, 2006 – January, 2008 INTELLEGENT TECHNOLOGIES

Associate Engineer

Design engineer working on Lithium Ion chargers and battery protection circuits. Multi-Pocket charger units.

Wrote several "Assembly" embedded routines for automated testing of the charger and battery protection products.

Wrote several "C" embedded routines for automated testing of the charger and battery protection products.

Manufacturing Engineering support.

Debug and repair defective product code in 2 current products.

Have performed "some" product engineering roles. This involved complete product release to production. Design and Development testing, complete documentation package.

Supervise and train Engineering Technicians.

June,2005 – November,2006 KINDER SCIENTIFIC

Design Engineer

Design engineer working on animal testing equipment. Their products use Infrared led’s to track animal movements.

Designed a timer control circuit, using a PIC microcontroller.

Redesigned a movement tracker using IR LED’s.

Converted old designs to surface mount parts. So, a pick and place machine can assemble boards.

Extensive experience designing PC boards. Using Or-Cad Layout and schematic capture.

Production support. Troubleshooting products and training technicians.


Electrical Engineer II

Technical support for Alvin, the deep submersible. Provide support on various systems associated with the sub and design new products when needed.

Designed an acoustic controlled directed elevator.

Designed a visual light frequency LED communications link, for the deep ocean.

Designed a data logger, with LCD display.

Designed an underwater full-duplex radio link.

Designed a wireless one watt, video camera to an agile broadcast channel transmitter.

Designed a 26V, microprocessor controlled UPS for Alvin’s computers.

Written several PIC micro controller programs to control and monitor electrical systems. ( high pressure transducers, IIC, RS232, A/D converters, LCD, LED’s, synthesizers, RF modules, servo’s and DC and stepper motors)

For the above projects I used Or-Cad tools to draw the schematic, and Or-Cad to layout the PC boards. Testing of prototypes, and documentation.


RF Engineer

§ Product development, from idea to production. Responsible for designing, debugging, documentation and the testing necessary to produce a quality product. We currently manufacture these products:

a. CATV modulators

b. Aircraft entertainment systems (video and audio modulators)

c. T-Channel converter

d. Return Band Modulators and Demodulators

e. Optical receivers and transmitters

§ I have written several HP-VEE test programs to automate our testing procedures.

§ Familiar with VCO’s, PLL’s, Mixers, Synthesizers, push-pull amplifiers, tuners, optical transmitters, photo-detectors, passive and active filters and microcontrollers.

Familiar with HP spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, VM700 video analyzer and other test equipment necessary to characterize product.

Familiar with microcontrollers. I have written programs that will:

a. Communicate via IIC

b. Communicate via 3-wire

c. Parallel to serial communications

d. LCD driver control

e. LED driver control

f. EEPROM read and write

g. Complex math routines